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Nine wonderful uses of honey
From:Sangdi Hongybee  Post time:2022-09-10
Honey is a common tonic in life. Generally, what we often eat is to use it to make honey water. In fact, the use of honey is more than that? In addition, honey has many other benefits? Let's take a look!

1. People who have suffered from stomach diseases for a long time may as well try honey plus pollen. It is said that taking it regularly is very effective in curing stomach diseases.

2. Milk and honey help to treat anemia in children. According to research, both milk and honey contain minerals such as iron, which can cure anemia.

3. If your child has ascaris intestinal obstruction, you can try honey and ginger juice.

4. Honey can also be used for first aid and treatment. People who often have colds and coughs and weak intestines and stomachs can get twice the result with half the effort by eating a spoonful of honey every day.

5. Those suffering from vaginitis and Candida can use honey and boiled water to soak the lower vagina, which can be deeply sterilized.

6. If you can immerse the injured part in honey for 5-15 minutes at the first time, it will have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

7. Those who suffer from peeling hands and feet and onychomycosis can be cured quickly by immersion and thin application with honey.

8. A spoonful of honey and warm boiled water can cure constipation every day.

9. Milk plus honey is still a wonderful medicine for dysmenorrhea.

In addition, honey has many other wonderful functions, which you can try.

Sober up: the best way to relieve the headache after drinking a lot is to eat honey. Before or after drinking, eat a few biscuits or bread stained with honey. Honey contains a fructose that most fruits do not contain, which can promote the decomposition and absorption of alcohol.

Enhance immunity: people eat sour milk with honey twice a day in the morning and evening (1 cup each time, each cup mixed with a small spoon of honey), which can enhance the immune function in the body.

Anti fatigue: the shortcut to help white-collar workers recover their physical strength and keep fit and beautiful is to eat bee products. Honey contains 10 kinds of vitamins, which have hematopoiesis, sterilization and other functions. For white-collar women who love beauty, it is not only a good tonic, but also a good beauty product.

Eliminate dark circles under the eyes: after cleaning your face every day, don't immediately wipe the moisture on your face with a towel and let it dry naturally. Then, apply honey around the eyes, corners of the mouth and other places prone to wrinkles. After a few minutes of massage, let it dry naturally and then apply cream. Apply it once a day in the morning and once a day in the evening. After half a month, your skin will not only be elastic and shiny, but also the crow's feet lines and dark circles under the eyes will gradually disappear.

Defecation: honey has the effects of moistening the lungs, nourishing the spleen, moistening the intestines, detoxifying and so on. For the treatment of habitual constipation, 60 grams of honey, 150 grams of milk, a little green onion juice, cooked, taken on an empty stomach in the morning, and taken regularly are effective. It is especially suitable for the elderly who have suffered from habitual constipation for a long time.

Treatment of bedsore: take an appropriate amount of honey, add 0.5 ~ 2G Yunnan Baiyao, put it into a clean vessel to make a paste, then apply it to the sore surface, wrap it with sterile gauze, and change it once a day.