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Applying honey to your face has this effect
From:Sangdi Hongybee  Post time:2022-08-16
Helps promote digestion and nourish skin. In addition, we can also externally apply pure honey for skin care. Many girls make honey facial mask by themselves, so what's the benefit of wiping face with pure honey? Next, we'll learn about the efficacy and role of pure honey on your face.

(1) Moisturizing

Pure honey can help moisturize and moisturize the skin. On the one hand, pure honey can moisten the skin, on the other hand, pure honey can help the skin digest and absorb the moisture in the air, and the moisture locks to reduce volatilization, helping the skin to be bright and moist for a long time.

(2) skin care

Wiping your face with pure honey can help nourish your skin. Pure honey contains rich and colorful vitamins, enzymes, glycogen, etc., which not only supplements nutrients for the skin, but also helps moisten the lungs and deal with dry skin and molting on the face.

(3) wrinkle removal

Wiping your face with pure honey can help remove wrinkles. Pure honey contains rich and colorful vitamin E, which can help to moisturize the glossiness, improve the skin's extensibility, and improve the wrinkles and relaxation caused by the outflow of skin collagen powder.

4) whitening skin

Pure honey can help remove freckles and whiten your face. The antioxidant ingredients contained in pure honey can help the skin reduce the damage of low oxygen free radicals, reduce pigment precipitation, accelerate basic metabolism, prevent the transformation of color spots, and have the practical effect of whitening the skin.

5. Remove blackheads and acne

Wiping your face with pure honey can help eliminate acne on your face. The acid substances contained in pure honey can have the effect of removing bacteria, and help eliminate acne caused by bacteria. However, those who should pay attention to their own skin greasy feeling may aggravate the greasy feeling by using pure honey.

(6) pores

Wiping face with pure honey can help to astringe pores. On the one hand, pure honey can eliminate the stains hidden in the pores of the skin, on the other hand, pure honey can supplement the nutrients of the skin, repair the extensibility of the skin, and help resist the strong pores of the skin.